In the second book of the Adventures of PEPE QUACKAMOLE™ series, "Pepe Quacks the Case of the Wailing Miner," PEPE QUACKAMOLE™, a sombrero-wearing, scarf-toting, rubber duck and Fred, his water-shy, desert frog friend, learn about the mysteries and histories of the old mining town of Jerome, AZ. When a new friend needs help, Pepe trades his sombrero for a miner's helmet and plunges underground in search of answers and a new, fun adventure!
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Where can I learn more about Jerome, AZ?
When Pepe explores the old mine tunnels in "Pepe Quacks the Case of the Wailing Miner," he makes new friends and learns much about the history of an old copper mining town, high up on the mountain. Continue the adventure and learn more about some of the things Pepe saw when he visited Jerome, AZ.
ISBN: 978-0-9895491-5-8
(March 25, 2015)
Pepe Quacks the Case of the Wailing Miner
Go to Where to Buy for purchase information.
Where can I learn more about the History of Jerome?